Cables at the core of the energy transition

Environmental responsibility at Reka Cables

Cables at the core of the energy transition

It is important to move towards a more sustainable and electric future. There is no other way as the climate is changing and warming, which will have a fundamental impact on the structure of society, the economy and the ecosystem. We are talking about a so-called global permacrisis, which will affect everyone’s lives to a large extent.

Demand for clean electricity on the rise

The energy transition is gathering pace. Fossil fuels (oil, natural gas and coal), which are polluting the climate, are being replaced by renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. Climate emissions from electricity will soon be a thing of the past, at least in Finland.

“At Reka, we manufacture and supply cables for the circular economy and for renewable and low-carbon energy production. Our cables are used in electricity transmission, so cables are a very central part of the energy revolution,” says Kari Ingalsuo, Quality and Sustainability Manager at Reka Cables.

Reka Cables has been part of the Nexans Group since April 2023. Being part of the Nexans Group has enabled Reka Cables to invest more rapidly in renewable energy solutions.

“By joining forces, we can achieve more. We will increase knowledge and work together for a cleaner climate and accelerate the electrification of society, both in the Nordic countries and around the world,” says Ingalsuo.

The E3 business model as the basis for a business plan

According to Kari Ingalsuo, E3 is a management model developed within the Nexans Group to address the challenges related to the permacrisis. The business model takes into account the environment, the economy and commitment:

Environment = Ecological responsibility

Engagement = Social responsibility

Economy = Financial responsibility

“At Reka Cables, we have set concrete targets for each area. As part of the Nexans Group, we are committed to the SBTi (Science Based Targets) initiative and its Net Zero target by 2050 (Scope 1-3). Locally, we aim to achieve zero emissions from our own manufacturing by 2026 (scope 1-2),” Ingalsuo says.

Click on the links above to find out more about the targets set for each scope.

Examples of sustainability actions taken by Reka Cables

Environmental achievements:

  • Renewable electricity at all sites.
  • Solar power plants at our factories in Keuruu and Riihimäki.
  • Verified Ekolämpö – district eco heating at the Keuruu factory.
  • We have discontinued the use of natural gas and heating oil.
  • Switching to LED lighting in our production facilities.
  • Cable deliveries stopped for new fossil power plant projects
  • More about Reka Cable’s environmental achievements

Social responsibility actions

  • Safety program (e.g. Golden rules, SUSA cards)
  • The Winningtemp AI tool helps our employees express their feelings.
  • Exercise and cultural benefits for all employees.
  • Employee bike benefit
  • See the full list here

Financial responsibility draws strength from development

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