Reinforcements to Reka Cables Administration

Reinforcements to Reka Cables Administration
Reka Cables’ Administration has been strengthened with a new Product Management department, and a third person has been appointed to the existing Product Management team. You can find the contact information for Product Management here.
Product Management Manager Juha Nieminen and Product Information Management Specialist Jyri Koskinen have welcomed a new colleague as Marko Mäkelä (pictured) started as a Product Manager at Reka Cables on August 12, 2024. Mäkelä has previously worked for WAGO Finland Ltd, for example.
More power for Financial Administration too
Marye Kallio has been handling the duties of a Financial Assistant since June 10, 2024. Prior to her role as Financial Assistant, Kallio worked in the transportation and earthworks industry at Kuljetus ja maanrakennus P. Salonen Ltd.