Sustainable development goals

7. Affortable and clean energy
Reka Cables designs and manufactures power cables for the national power grid. Our objective is to create more sustainable cables by increasing durability and recyclability. Additionally, our product range includes suitable products for renewable energy. By increasing the share of renewable energy, Reka Cables helps to reduce carbon emissions and assist achieving international climate goals.
8. Decent work and economic growth
Reka Cables provides a safe working environment and protects labor rights for all its employees. We treat our employees fairly and equally. We perform risk mapping for each factory and department regularly. In addition, we invest in the orientation and training of our employees, so that all personnel have basic skills for safe and high-quality work. We expect all our business partners to provide the same values for their employees.
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
To increase energy efficiency, Reka Cables provides products which reduce carbon emission through the reduction of grid losses. Our products help creating smart power grids and establish a sustainable future and infrastructure. In our production we strive to reduce energy consumption in relation to the tons of cable produced. Our goal is to improve environmental performance in our production plants and processes and increase energy efficiency.
11. Sustainable cities and communities
We are committed to biodiversity and to sustainable management of land use. By transferring power networks underground can be ensured weatherproof electricity distribution and society maintaining its operating capacity. Underground cables can also be used to preserve biodiversity. We also supply cables to enable clean transportation methods.
12. Responsible consumption and production
To minimize the environmental impact, Reka Cables uses the most environmentally friendly and recyclable materials according to standards. Our products are circular economy adapted and eco-efficient due to high resilience to extreme weather. We also invest in production technology in order to reduce waste further.
13. Climate action
Reka Cables supports the electrification of the society by building and supporting the development of power grids. By enabling distribution of renewable energy, we help to achieve carbon neutrality and a sustainable future.